Technical Specifications
• Total building capacity set by City at 104.
• Cabaret style seating with total seats at 96.
• Row style seating can reach maximum capacity of 143 when tables are removed.
Audio & Communications
• Mixer - Yamaha MA 16/6FX
• Speakers Tapco Stereo PA with Yamaha 14” Speakers Left and Right - 4 MAudio BX5 powered speakers front and back of house
• Microphones - 4 wired handheld - 2 Behringer xm1800s - 1 Shure sm56 - 1 Shure PG58
4 Wireless handheld - 2 Innopow WM333
6 Wireless Mic packs with headset mics
- 4 Audio Technica ATW1701
- 2 Audio Technica ATW1801-T
• Audio in - 5 normally open mixer channels and Line in for house music
• Dedicated hardware Pandora house music
•Lobby connected to system for preshow music and announcements
• Booth is open to playing space with God Mic capabilities
• Stage lighting is controlled via DMX with a Lightronics TL5024 console with 24 channels and three programmable banks for 192 programmed scenes . Additionally, lighting can be controlled Via DMX using Qlab.
•Standard plot for main stage with ability for Specials and movable lights
• Over stage lighting includes -10 Par can conventional halogen lights +3 available for backup - 8 American DJ TriPar Pro LED - 4 Source Four Baby conventional for special and spots.
•4 Lightronics XC-62 Dimmer packs.
•10 20amp dedicated circuits all accessible from above grid.
• House lighting is controlled from three locations, Technical Booth, Backstage at SR door and back of house (inside the Theater) at lobby doors.
Video & Projection
• HD Digital Projection is available from fixed ceiling mounted Epson G5650W HDMI cabling located in technical booth .
• fixed size removable screen is located center stage attached to the proscenium and is 3’7” x 6’.
• automatic rollaway screen in located center stage below proscenium in front of permanent set wall and is 6’x10’ and is controlled from the technical booth.
• Stage is 14’ wide by 10’8” deep at a height of 15” and is 11’ from deck height to grid. Stage has an Annex 5’deep x 4’wide at a height of 28” with 3’ path from stage.
• Proscenium Opening is 5′ wide, depth from the Plaster Line to US is 40”.
• Steps are located at each side toward the down stage corner and SR at the back corner and are 4’ wide and 7.5” tall.
• A hidden conduit chase is available both sides to the front of the stage for cabling.
•Theater space is 33’ wide by 38’ deep.
Stage Rigging
• No traditional Stage Rigging.
Dressing Rooms
• Dressing Room is located directly offstage left and doubles as the greenroom during performances.
Loading & Stage Entrance
• Backstage door is 36” wide and through a hallway, any large equipment/items must be brought in through front double doors 6’ width maximum.