The beloved and bewildering improv troupe Da Bureau has something to say in their new sketch comedy show, “Da Bureau Has Something to Say”. This hilarious group will tell you just what's on their mind with scenes featuring hungry big boys, advertising pitches, reality show dating, lactose-based poetry, and one very big bed—all told in the stinky, spicy, smut-covered voice of Da Bureau.
Written and Performed by:
Alex Bergmans
Jenny Haddo
Devin Jenkins
Jessica Nosal-Glenn
Devin Rosini
Jared Simard
Additional Writing by:
Lauren Arnett
Miranda Fyfe
Allen Smock
Directed by:
Travis Pelto
Assistant Director & Producer:
Miranda Fyfe
Please make sure you are choosing the right date when you purchase tickets
Our Friday and Saturday shows do tend to sell out. Pre-purchasing your tickets for these shows is highly suggested. We recommend you arrive at least 15 minutes before showtime.
Please choose your seat online. There will be ushers on staff to assist in finding your seat.
If you purchase 12 or more tickets at once, a 10% discount will be automatically applied to your order. Please let us know if you experience any issues with this discount!
Forms of payment accepted at the box office: CASH, VISA/MASTERCARD, AMERICAN EXPRESS, DISCOVER
Free Parking is available in our lot and the Courthouse next door after 5 pm. Metered Parking is available on 9 Mile and in a lot across the street. The meter expires at 9 pm and is free on Sundays.